Monday, January 27, 2020
Effectiveness Of Performance Related Pay In The Nhs Management Essay
Effectiveness Of Performance Related Pay In The Nhs Management Essay The following report evaluates how the aims of Performance Related Pay (PRP) schemes are underpinned by theory, focuses on how PRP theory relates to the aims and objectives of the NHS and considers how effective the current PRP policy is within the NHS with specific focus on whether the current scheme meets the needs of the current NHS organisation. The NHS has seen relative success where PRP schemes have been applied, with 51% of NHS managers recently commenting that PRP schemes in their trust had resulted in employees working harder. Although 61% of the staff involved with NHS trusts operating these schemes suggested the idea of rewarding performance was divisive and undermined the overall co-operation of its staff . The overall benefits of PRP include facilitating and implementing change in a structured manner, aligning the employees objectives with the wider goals of the organisation and introducing structured rewards in a fair fashion. Although the aims of the PRP scheme may be aligned to the business strategy, they will only succeed if the end goal is enough to motivate the individual. Within the NHS one would suggest there have to be additional concepts for performance management to focus on, such as content, departmental resource and career development for PRP schemes to be a success. When the introduction of PRP to any organisation is applied, it is supposed to encourage fairness and equality with rewards. However criticism of PRP within the NHS organisation suggests that it does not provide fairness and equality. Research has shown that the perception is that PRP benefits those in more fiscal or senior orientated roles than it does for those lower down the organisation. PRP schemes will be hard to introduce to NHS trusts where they do not already exist due to the nature of the structured role orientated pay scale and the inflexible nature of the NHS. This would be further compounded by the unionised nature of the NHS, with the unions likely to resist any move from collectivism to individualism in discussions about pay and contract conditions. Recommendations at the end of the report include consideration to the design of the scheme and how crucial this can be to the schemes future success: the need to manage PRP openly to prevent breakdown of relationships and thus prevent negative impacts on performance overall and the importance of clear management of objectives by individuals best placed to manage their teams. Evaluate how the aims of the Performance Related Payment scheme are underpinned by theory The initial concept of performance related pay (PRP) schemes were introduced as a way to reward employees for completing a specific goal. The sense of reward was expected to act as a motivator therefore the scheme was embraced with high expectations (Daniels, Macdonald, 2005:183). Assessment of organisational reward applications shows that performance is not the only way employees relate to being congratulated on doing a job well. However, it is suggested the benefit of using performance based reward systems has been in the applying of the statistical elements of the method, allowing for a clear and relatively objective means of performance measurement. (Shields, 2007:410/11). This suggests that organisations favour a method which provides a supportive conclusion with quantative evidence to back up decisions made that may favour one individual over another. Secondly the use of PRP schemes have been linked to wider business strategic plans which have sought to align the employees objectives with the wider goals of the organisation (Holbeche, 2009:219). However, performance based reward schemes have been criticised in recent years, despite becoming seen as the norm within organisational structures (Holbeche, 2009:219). Alternative applications can be rewarded through behavioural analysis in line with a set of parameters and goals. However, this method of reward has been argued as being subjective and open to abuse and interpretation (Shields, 2007:410/11). As such the use of performance management against tangible goals as a measure provides something concrete for the employee to be measured against which cannot be refuted (Shields, 2007:411). PRP schemes can however be heavily criticised when there is a belief the targets are not truly achievable (Lai, Tsui, 2009:116). Moreover there is a concern that where targets are consistently not achieved and are deemed inaccurate, the effects can be rapid demotivation with the workforce (Lai, Tsui, 2009:116). An additional aim of PRP can be the encouragement of equality and fairness, this is not that everyone should be paid the same but those that add value are rewarded appropriately in comparison to others that may not contribute to the same level. How does this theory fit into the organisations aims and objectives? The aims and objectives of the NHS centre on measureable statistics such as level of patient care, treatment times, waiting list turnover, number of patients seen and treated, level of discharged patients and sound fiscal management. These are rolled down from central government and managed by the individual NHS Trusts across the country. It is suggested that providing a tangible measure against which to be managed is a key element in the use of PRP within the NHS. The use of tangible goals means the objectives are clear and concise (Shields, 2007:410/11). Furthermore the NHS argues that the use of performance measures means there is an ownership placed onto the employee to perform to their expected level and for their manager to ensure they are learning and developing (Shields, 2007:410/11). The NHS has seen relative success where PRP schemes have been applied (Shields, 2007:411). Under these schemes the employees use individual goal setting applications, which instead of creating conflict; achieved motivation although in-depth assessment of the research found that the goal setting aspect of the measure was the most favoured element (it enabled a clear guide for the reward) the behavioural assessments were deemed subjective (Shields, 2007:411). However one might argue that whilst this may work within a public service sector environment there are contrasts within private industry. The directed use of strategic alignment can pitch departments against each other creating internalised conflict (Schienmann, 2009:142). Furthermore people can be encouraged to apply their focus in a directed way which means they stop looking at the wider picture. In doing this there is the potential to create a funnel and individuals end up working at cross purposes instead of working together (Schienmann, 2009:142). Furthermore contrasting these statistics is the idea that public sector employees see financial reward as a secondary motivator to work harder (OECD, 2005:74). This is supported by research into all public sector environments, which suggests that job content and career development are primary motivators to increase performance (OECD, 2005:74). This is supported with recent research into the NHS management structure. During questioning into applied PRP, 61% of the staff involved with NHS trusts operating these schemes suggested the idea of rewarding performance was divisive and undermined the overall co-operation of its staff (OECD, 2005:73). This was implied to be because there was a lack of team discipline and people worked as individuals. This behaviour was cited as unacceptable within an environment that made life and death choices based on teamwork (OECD, 2005:73). On the other hand the same research contradicts this idea; stating that when questioned 51% of NHS managers suggested that PRP schemes in their trust had resulted in employees working harder (OECD, 2005:74). As such one might argue that the use of performance related pay schemes only work when the individual is financially motivated, and this could be applied to all sectors, public and private. Therefore there is an argument to suggest that although the aims of the PRP scheme may be aligned to the business strategy they will only succeed if the end goal is enough to motivate the individual. Within the NHS one would suggest there have to be additional concepts for performance management to focus on such as content, departmental resource and career development. Although the theory of PRP may be applicable, the practice does not necessarily translate into a high performing team. Critically Evaluate the Effectiveness of this Scheme One might debate the effectiveness of the performance related pay schemes within the NHS depending on the expected outcome. It is assumed that the expectation within employee groups from the introduction of PRP is increased morale and improved performance which therefore increases operational output (Lai, Tsui, 2009:116). Yet it should also be considered that the scheme can be used as a method to employ goal setting policy within an establishment where this has not been done before. Research suggests that the introduction of PRP validates the implementation of goal setting within public sector environments regardless of motivational output (OECD, 2005:76).This could be considered a significant benefit of the application of PRP within a wider assessment of the scheme. Furthermore the implementation of PRP provides the opportunity to redefine established organisational performance norms (OECD, 2005:76) and allow the NHS the advantage of being able to implement change in a structured manner. However it can also be argued that change in itself carries the potential for overall internalised threat (Huston, Marquis, 2008:178). Research suggests that when not welcomed, change has the ability to inject conflict into the organisational structure (Huston, Marquis, 2008:178). This means the focus moves away from the primary strategic aim. Moreover, conflict can send negativity around the workplace, ensuring non-compliance, and removing any degree of support for any performance based schemes (Huston, Marquis, 2008:178). Unfortunately it would appear the scale for conflict is high within the NHS when PRP is discussed. If the trust is considered as a business organisation the application of PRP means that pay adjustments can be applied in a measured way which can therefore become a strength (OECD, 2005:76). However, this means the counter argument becomes a weakness from the employees perspective (OECD, 2005:76). As such one would argue that changing to a PRP scheme will reduce the involvement of the trade unions because the focus moves from collectivism to individualism as a discipline (Gall, 2003:13). This could be seen as a weakness because unlike privatised industry the NHS environment is cited as being more static with less flexibility between positions and employee expectations (Gall, 2003:13). It is suggested that the termination of the collectivism power would leave NHS staff negotiating for contracts in the same way private industry do. This leaves the employees open to increased discrimination between financial rewards at the same grade levels. This is seen with the introduction of flexible working hours for employees, which effectively abolishes the overtime model for staff, and the theory implies that staff would no longer be financially compensated for working additional hours over their standard agreed contract rate (OECD, 2005:76). On the other hand the introduction of flexible working is defended as necessary within modern society. As such this implies that the change in financial application by moving to PRP incentives should not be seen as a weakness but a strength or opportunity to open the job market up to new applicants. Moreover research suggests that the use of performance related pay within the NHS environment provides a recruitment incentive and improves staff retention in the long term (OECD, 2005:76). Conclude whether the scheme meets the needs of the organisation One might argue that the introduction of PRP to any organisation is applied to encourage fairness and equality with rewards (Redman, Wilkinson, 2009:160). However criticism of PRP within the NHS organisation suggests that it does not provide fairness and equality with its rewards (Abel, Esmail, 2006). Research suggests that although PRP is adopted, there are inherent weaknesses in the application of the initiative and previous discriminations against gender and ethnicity remain prevalent despite the results of performance based measures (Abel, Esmail, 2006). This is further supported with a government review of the NHS performance review process. This research found a large number of consultants who voiced their concerns over both racial and gender discrimination within the PRP, however they also suggested discrimination based on their medical specialism and the degree to which the individual contributed towards management decisions existed alongside traditional discriminations (Abel, Esmail, 2006). Thus one may suggest that the performance reviews favoured those who worked in more high profile specialisms, which could provide additional funding. On the flip side of this discussion however is the consideration that those lower in the organisational structure would welcome the opportunity for performance based pay rewards in order to grow their roles and develop their careers. However this research implies their performance is isolated in comparison to that which benefits the wider business model needs. In recent research conducted in this area it was concluded that incentive polices such as PRP have provided a positive knock on effect where quality and safety are concerned. This point is interesting as in an environment such as nursing, one would have assumed quality of care and safety are principle fundamentals of patient expectations. However performance is massively improved when the employee is offered additional reward for reaching targets in these fields (Kurtzman et al, 2011). The research however goes on to suggest that the use of incentive schemes place an increased burden and creates a blame culture for nurses without addressing the infra-structure needs that the NHS trusts require to meet the targets set for them, This shows that the adaptation of PRP can be seen as being a double edged sword within the NHS system (Kurtzman et al, 2011). Report Conclusion The research appears to suggest that the performance based incentive schemes meet the base needs of the NHS as they make the basic principles of nursing happen in accordance with expectations. However an incentive scheme such as PRP cannot overcome the lack of adequate environment, staffing levels and low salary level. As such this implies that performance based pay does not work as a motivator for the existing workforce. Neither would one conclude that it works as a recruitment incentive as was previously suggested. Instead the implication is that the use of performance based incentive schemes means that those with power can continue to reward those they single out for success, whilst the remainder of the workplace organisation are left to manage with inadequate environments in which to meet the targets they are given. One might determine an outcome borne from two potential directions. In one case if the NHS is seen as an organisational structure and not as a public service, the use of PRP may be seen as successful. As a scheme this allows management to reward those individuals who are benefiting the NHS. From within this it can be assumed the discrimination that occurs is justified. However on the other side if the NHS is viewed as a public service with its key members being the front line staff, one would have to conclude that PRP does not benefit the needs of the organisation. Nursing graduates are decreasing in numbers; the vocation is increasingly seen as a difficult environment with insufficient financial reward and high expectations (Chitty, 2005:36). Following these arguments one would have to conclude that the use of a PRP scheme would provide the NHS with specific benefits when linked into an open environment which supported fairness and equality. However the current organisational structure of the NHS is not conducive to producing the environment needed to make this ideology successful. Instead work is perhaps needed with the basic infrastructure of the NHS organisation before additional performance plans will be able to achieve the required outcome for the operation. Recommendations for the management of PRP within the NHS There are several recommendations to be made for the management of pay within the NHS. These are as follows; Design of the scheme When PRP schemes are adopted, the design of them is crucial to their success and application (Redman, Wilkinson, 2009:134). Not only is it necessary to consider what will work for the majority of the workforce, but it is also vital to link the work of the individual into the wider team dynamic (OECD, 2005:86). As such when incentive schemes are applied, the link between teamwork and the individual is necessary in order to ensure a performance measure that involves the wider strategic picture of the organisation (OECD, 2005:86). In the case of the NHS this would be rectified through adapting some of the schemes considered elitist and improving some of the base working conditions which affect a wider degree of the working population. One would assume this will improve morale and create a workforce that wants to achieve targets and attain performance rewards. Communication When introducing performance related ideology the implementation has to be anticipated and managed openly (OECD, 2005:86). When relationships break down internally the need for consolidated teamwork becomes harder, this affects all forms of performance (Redman, Wilkinson, 2009:134). Within the NHS business model this argument is applied especially when managing trade union relationships (OECD, 2005:86), especially because this sector is driven by collective bargaining Furthermore this is particularly relevant because the core competencies of the roles have to be the same within the medical profession. The hierarchy has to be clearly defined by actual role competencies which enable staggered payments. Therefore performance based payment becomes harder to manage because each level should work at the same rate. Moreover this suggests the link between performance based pay and goal setting is vital in ensuring that employees are enabled to achieve and maintain their goals within fair and attainable means (OCED, 2005:87). Measurable Objectives Within the NHS organisational model one would assume targets for performance will centre on measureable statistics such as treatment times, waiting list turnover, number of patients seen and treated, level of discharged patients. These provide clear and measureable targets for people to meet and the measure is quantitative therefore enabling a degree of concise clarity to the measure. However research shows that providing clear statistical measures within the NHS model results in internalised pressure which manifests through the lower ranks (Kurtzman et al, 2011). Therefore one would argue this supports the need to correct the basic infrastructure within the organisations, prior to implementing reward schemes for employees. Management of Objectives When applied, the goals provided must be clearly managed by team leaders within the confines of the department or ward. This means the head medical staff responsible for these staff members have to take on a level of responsibility for managing their team as well as coping with their medical expectations. One might argue this is especially difficult within the NHS model and compounds the issue of burden and blame as medical professionals find themselves having to become more like managers (Kurtzman et al, 2011). This is known to be a contentious argument for medical professionals who chose their roles as vocations (Kurtzman et al, 2011). Stimulate Change Research suggests that performance related incentives should be used as a way to stimulate and introduce change into organisational structures (Redman, Wilkinson, 2009:135). This can be achieved through challenging the status quo and looking at new ways to manage (OECD, 2005:89). It could therefore be supported that the introduction of performance related pay into NHS trust models is applicable. As an observer one may assume the NHS organisational model has not particularly been challenged in decades, thus this strategy enables a fresh way of adapting new methods.
Sunday, January 19, 2020
Minority Research Paper
Description of the Market Market specifics need to be carefully analyzed and marketers should become familiar with the data for each. In order to market a brand or specific goods/services, marketers should be sensitive to each group and shouldnââ¬â¢t be afraid to tap into each market. Below is information on the three largest minority groups in the United States and what each one prefers. African Americans â⬠¢The total numbers in the US is 42 million (ââ¬Å"United States Census Bureauâ⬠). â⬠¢African Americans make up 13. 6% of the total US population (ââ¬Å"United States Census Bureauâ⬠). â⬠¢The rate of growth for this minority group from 2000 to 2010 was 15. % (ââ¬Å"United States Census Bureauâ⬠). â⬠¢The average household size is 2. 7 (ââ¬Å"United States Census Bureauâ⬠). â⬠¢The average age for African Americans is 32. 1 (ââ¬Å"United States Census Bureauâ⬠). â⬠¢The percentage of African Americans 25 and older that hold a ba chelors degree or higher is 18% (ââ¬Å"United States Census Bureauâ⬠). â⬠¢The median income per year was $32,068 (ââ¬Å"United States Census Bureauâ⬠). â⬠¢More than half of the African-American population (55%) live in the Southern states. Texas, Florida, and Georgia have a population of about 3 million, while New York still has the highest with 3. 4 million (ââ¬Å"Black Demographicsâ⬠).Metro areas with the largest African American population with 1 million or more are: â⬠¢New York, NY â⬠¢Atlanta, GA â⬠¢Chicago, IL â⬠¢Washington, MD-VA â⬠¢Philadelphia, PA â⬠¢Los Angeles ââ¬â Long Beach, CA â⬠¢Miami ââ¬â Fort Lauderdale, FL â⬠¢Houston, TX â⬠¢The brands that have a higher than average purchase rate among African Americans are Procter & Gamble, Lââ¬â¢Oreal, Yoplait, General Motors, Oreos, Slim Fast, Tide, Campbellââ¬â¢s, Ragu, Lexus, Pampers, Jell-O, and Leviââ¬â¢s (Sampey). â⬠¢Specific products that hav e above average usage for this group are basic food ingredients, beverages, personal care items, and beauty care. The best media to use in order to target this group is television because African Americans watch more TV than any other minority group. The next best would be the Internet and the radio. Asian Americans â⬠¢The total numbers in the US is 17. 3 million (ââ¬Å"United States Census Bureauâ⬠). â⬠¢Asian Americans make up 5. 6 percent of the total US population (ââ¬Å"United States Census Bureauâ⬠). â⬠¢The rate of growth for this minority group from 2000 to 2010 was 46% (ââ¬Å"United States Census Bureauâ⬠). â⬠¢The average household size is 3. 53 (ââ¬Å"United States Census Bureauâ⬠). â⬠¢The average age for Asian Americans is 34 (ââ¬Å"United States Census Bureauâ⬠). The percentage of Asian Americans 25 and older that hold a bachelors degree or higher is 50% (ââ¬Å"United States Census Bureauâ⬠). That is higher than any g roup in the United States. â⬠¢The median income per year was $67,022 (ââ¬Å"United States Census Bureauâ⬠). â⬠¢About three-quarters of the Asian American population live in metropolitan areas such as the San Francisco Bay Area, New York metropolitan area, and the Greater Los Angeles Area (Beckwith). They make up for 1-2 million people in each place. They are mainly concentrated in five states, which are: â⬠¢California â⬠¢New York â⬠¢Texas Illinois â⬠¢Hawaii â⬠¢A few brands that have a higher than average purchase rate among Asian Americans are Toyota, Honda, Coca-Cola, IBM, Head & Shoulders, and Tylenol (Lindorff). Wealthy Asian Americans tend to buy luxury brands, such as Chanel, Rolex, Loius Vuitton, Armani, and Nordstrom (Lesonsky). â⬠¢Specific products that have above average usage for this group are furniture, footwear, clothing, food, and vehicles. â⬠¢ The best media to use in order to target this group is the Internet and newspapers, as well as direct mail printed in their language. Hispanic Americans The total numbers in the US is 52 million (ââ¬Å"United States Census Bureauâ⬠). â⬠¢Hispanic Americans make up 16. 7 percent of the total US population (ââ¬Å"United States Census Bureauâ⬠). â⬠¢The rate of growth for this minority group from 2000 to 2010 was 43% (ââ¬Å"United States Census Bureauâ⬠). â⬠¢The average household size is 4 (ââ¬Å"United States Census Bureauâ⬠). This is most likely due to a high fertility rate among this group. â⬠¢The median age for Hispanic Americans is 27 (ââ¬Å"United States Census Bureauâ⬠).. â⬠¢The percentage of Hispanic Americans 25 and older that hold a bachelors degree or higher is 13% (ââ¬Å"United States Census Bureauâ⬠).That is the lowest amongst the three groups. â⬠¢The median income per year was $37,759 (ââ¬Å"United States Census Bureauâ⬠). â⬠¢Hispanic Americans are concentrated in the South and the West geographically. About 50% of the population lives in California, Texas, and Florida. California has the highest than any other state, which is 14 million (ââ¬Å"infopleaseâ⬠). â⬠¢Examples of brands that have a higher than average purchase rate among Hispanic Americans are Corona, Sunsilk, OPI, Ouidad, and Goya (Genuario). â⬠¢Specific products that have above average usage for this group are small appliances, footwear, furniture, and food. The best media to use in order to target this group is through Spanish television networks and printed media. BUSINESS POTENTIAL African American: The African-American community is a very important market because of their great spending trends and buying power. Their buying power is estimated to reach $1. 1 trillion in a few years (ââ¬Å"Multi-ethnic Demographicsâ⬠). This ethnic group consists of 43 million individuals and marketers should be worried if they havenââ¬â¢t tapped into this ever-growing market (ââ¬Å"United Stat es Census Bureauâ⬠).African-Americans are one of the most brand loyal customers and make trips to the store more than any other group. If a national marketer were to get the attention of this ethnic group, the brand they would be promoting would grow, since African Americans stick to their brands. A new middle class has emerged for this group, thanks to more educational opportunities that result in higher incomes. This growing middle class is very fashion, brand, and price conscious and goes shopping for pleasure and social fun. This alone should encourage more marketers to pursue this minority group and give ideas on how to market specifically to this group.Asian American: The Asian American population is growing faster than the total population due to immigration. Itââ¬â¢s growing even faster than the Hispanic group and is the fastest growing ethnic group in the US (ââ¬Å"Multi-Ethnic Demographicsâ⬠). The overall business potential for this minority group is very hig h because Asian Americans are more likely to be rich than any other minority consumer. That is because they are better educated, even more so than the average American. They are in a lot of top-level jobs and have high specialties. Their buying power is very high and continues to grow.Currently, they spend more than $500 billion annually and their buying power is projected to reach up to $697 billion by the year 2014 (Lasonsky). Much of the valuable market segment is still underestimated and overlooked. Thatââ¬â¢s why it is important to dig in to this market and develop a great marketing strategy. This group spends more on education, housing, and food than the average US household. As a marketer, there is a good start already by knowing what the consumer wants. A lot of brands have an attitude that asks why they should target this market if theyââ¬â¢re already buying the product.Well, itââ¬â¢s important because there is a huge opportunity to build long-lasting relationships and customer loyalty. Asian Americans are consumers that like to educate themselves about prices and products before they dive in and buy something. So, if you would like to catch this marketââ¬â¢s attention, make sure you emphasize great deals and focus on product quality. Hispanic American: The Hispanic American market is a very important part of the US economy. This group is growing quite rapidly and marketers should be aware of all of the data. By 2015, the buying power for Hispanics is expected to reach $1. trillion (ââ¬Å"Multi-ethnic Demographicsâ⬠). In the last few years, the increase in income and population has given marketers new opportunities. This allows them to come up with a whole new marketing plan to serve the Hispanic Americanââ¬â¢s needs. This market should be approached as a long-term investment. Since the median age for Hispanic Americans is 27, we can see that this ethnic group is younger than the others (ââ¬Å"United States Census Bureauâ⬠). This gives marketers a chance to succeed in using geographic, demographic, and psychographic segmentation.By using this information, marketers can position themselves favorably and gain market share. Since many Hispanic Americans speak both English and Spanish, this gives marketers a chance to develop marketing synergies. Marketers should also make sure their general market message reflects the Hispanic culture because if a consumer feels that the brand does not care about them, their message would be ineffective. In order to reach Hispanic Americans through marketing, make sure you know their backgrounds, give them a feeling of ââ¬Ëhome,ââ¬â¢ and most importantly build relationships.Bibliography ââ¬Å"Asian/Pacific American Heritage Month: May 2012. â⬠United States Census Bureau. United States Census Bureau, 05 Sept 2012. Web. 7 Sep 2012. . Beckwith , Ryan. ââ¬Å"Asian-Americans Donââ¬â¢t Live in Swing States. â⬠Congress. org. Congress. org, 03 May 2012. Web . 7 Sep 2012. . ââ¬Å"Black (African-American) History Month: February 2012. â⬠United States Census Bureau. United States Census Bureau, 05 Sept 2012. Web. 7 Sep 2012. . Black Demographics. com. Black Demographiics, 2010. Web. 7 Sep 2012. . Genuario, Leah. ââ¬Å"The U. S. Hispanic Beauty Market. â⬠.Picard Holdings LLC, 2011. Web. 9 Sep 2012. . ââ¬Å"Hispanic Americans By the Numbers. â⬠infoplease. Pearson Education, 2012. Web. 8 Sep 2012. . ââ¬Å"Hispanic Heritage Month 2012: Sept. 15 ââ¬â Oct. 15. â⬠United States Census Bureau. United States Census Bureau, 05 Sept 2012. Web. 6 Sep 2012. . Lesonsky, Rieva. ââ¬Å"Small Business: Tap Into the Affluent Asian American Market. â⬠Small Business Trends. Small Business Trends LLC, 13 June 2012. Web. 8 Sep 2012. Lindorff, David. ââ¬Å"Marketers slowly begin to tap into U. S. ââ¬Ës rich Asian consumers. â⬠. Media Life, n. d. Web. 8 Sep 2012.Sampey, Kathleen. ââ¬Å"African-Americans Show More à ¢â¬ËLove' to Brands Than Caucasians. â⬠Yahoo Finance. Yahoo. com, 15 Aug 2012. Web. 7 Sep 2012. . Bibliography (contââ¬â¢d) ââ¬Å"Study: African Americans love them some brands. â⬠Electronic Urban Report. EurPublisher, 07 Aug 2012. Web. 6 Sep 2012. . Westlund, Richard. ââ¬Å"Marketing to Hispanics 2010. â⬠Finding the Gold in Hispanic Marketing. Adweek, 27 April 2011. Web. 9 Sep 2012. . ââ¬Å"2010 Census Shows Americaââ¬â¢s Diversity. â⬠Multi-ethnic Demographics. National Association for Multi-Ethnicity in Communications, 2012. Web. 9 Sep 2012.
Saturday, January 11, 2020
Did General Haig deserve to be the Butcher of the Somme?
1 July 1916, Battle of Somme started, fought by the armies of the British and French empires against the German Empire. It took place on either side of the River Somme in France, and it ended on 18 November 1916. The battle caused millions of deaths and injuries between both sides. The war changed peoplesââ¬â¢ thinking towards war. From a great adventure, to a bloody event. General Douglas Haig was one of the commanders from the British army in the Battle of Somme, the battle with one of the highest casualties in British military history.Some people called him ââ¬Å"Butcher Haigâ⬠or ââ¬Å"Butcher of the Sommeâ⬠after his death in 1928, because he sent thousands of British soldiers to their death. But does he deserve the title? Or was he just doing his job and was there any misunderstanding in the battle? I will talk about the evidences and explain why many people view both sides and if he deserves the title or not. The offensive (Britain & France) conceived the idea a s a battle of attrition, attacking the Germans, the aim being to drain the German forces of reserves, although territorial gain was a secondary aim.On the first day of the battle of the Somme, Commander Haigââ¬â¢s army (The fourth army of Britain) lost 57,470 casualties, of which 19,240 men were killed, for only one day. The French had a ââ¬Å"complete successâ⬠which collapsed the German Defenders in south of the Albertââ¬âBapaume road. South bank of the German defense was made incapable of resisting another attack. They retreated to the north bank which abandonment of Fricourt was ordered. The German army went to the north bank and inflicted a huge defeat on the British infantry, which killed so many Britain soldiers.A lot of people called Douglas Haig the Butcher of the Somme. Here are some pieces of evidence to support this point of view. ââ¬Å"The biggest murderer of the lot was Haig. Iââ¬â¢m very bitter; always have been and always will be and everybody else t hat knew him. He lived almost 50 kilometers behind the line and thatââ¬â¢s about as near as he got. I donââ¬â¢t think he knew what a trench was like. And they made him an Earl and gave him à £100,000. I know what Iââ¬â¢d have given himâ⬠(Fred Pearson, commenting on Haig in a local newspaper in 1966) Pearson was a private on the Western Front.This suggests where Haigââ¬â¢s position was and the opinion of the soldier in the Front line. It also tells us that General Haig received a large amount of money and an Earl given by the loyal afterward. And although there were a lot of murderer (Commanders in charge) during the war time, but Haig led a large amount of the British army to death as they called him the BIGGEST murderer. This source was written years after the war in a local newspaper called Pro Venanic.It can be trusted because it was written by a person who was in the battle who experienced what the war was like and what Haig was doing. ââ¬Å"We were completel y exhausted. â⬠Haig wrote, ââ¬Å"If the war lasted, our army defeat seemed certain. â⬠He really believed that he had won the battle. Although the Germans had lost 680,000 men during the war and had retreated 10 kilometers back from their trenches. They human cost of the Britain and French were also very high. Especially on the first day of the battle, which lost a massive number of casualties in the war history?Which made the people bitter and angry especially the anger from the men in the Front line, seeing Haig standing kilometers behind them, thinking that he was being a coward, and the ones who lost their family and relatives on the 1st of July? P. Smith was also a private in the 1st Border regiment fighting on the Somme. He was one of them who called Haig a Butcher. He wrote this in his diary, ââ¬Å"It was pure bloody murder. Douglas Haig should have been hung, drawn and quartered for what he did on the Somme. The cream of the British manhood was shattered in less than six hours.â⬠From this quote, we can see that this person who is angry at what Haig did in the war. He wrote this on July 1916, which was the first month of the battle of the Somme. Given that over 50 thousands soldiers died on the first day, Haig as the leader of the team, P. Smith wrote, ââ¬Å"â⬠¦Haig should have been hung, drawn and quarried for what he did on the Sommeâ⬠¦Ã¢â¬ in his own diary, since the diary was only written for himself to read, he wrote down all his feelings towards the war as a soldier and this source is reliable, because no one would tell a lie in their ownà private diary, and he was actually there at the battle of the Somme and he saw thousands of friends and family killed.The source supports the point that Douglas Haig is the Butcher of the battle of the Somme. ââ¬Å"Haig was a second ââ¬ârate Commander in unparalleled and unforeseen circumstances. He was not endowed with any of the elements of imagination and visionâ⬠¦ And he certainly had none of that personal magnetism which has enabled great leaders of men to inspire multitudes with courage, faith and a spirit of sacrificeâ⬠¦ He was incapable of planning vast campaigns on the scale demanded on so immense a battlefield.â⬠This was written by David Lloyd George, British Prime Minster during the First World War, writing in his War Memoirs (1935). It gives us an idea of General Haigââ¬â¢s planning of war and he was incapable to be a great leader as immense a battlefield. He also describes Haig as a ââ¬Å"second rate commanderâ⬠because of the high death count at the Somme. This source is reliable because given the fact that it was written by a Prime Minister of Britain during WW1. ââ¬Å"I want you to understand that there is a difference between a rehearsal and the real thing.There are three essential differences: first, the absence of the enemy. Now turning to the Regimental Sergeant- Major what is the second difference? â⬠Ser geant Major. â⬠The absence of the General, Sir. â⬠This source was written in a cartoon from the British satirical magazine Punch (February 1917) the purpose was to make fun of the generals as we can see in the cartoon. This source is very useful for us knowing more about General Haig at the time, in the cartoon, the major general is addressing the men before an attack behind the lines.This is also reliable, because it was written in 1917, which was after the battle of the Somme. And it gives out information about Haig and his team. John Laffin, an author in modern days, wrote in his history book, British Butchers and Bunglers of World War One (2003), ââ¬Å"Haig and other British generals must be blamedâ⬠¦ for willful blunders and wicked butchery. However stupid they might have been, however much they were the product of a system which obstructed enterprise, they knew what they were doing.There can never be forgiven. â⬠Although Laffin earned his living taking p eople on battlefield tours and researched the war entirely from the soldiersââ¬â¢ standpoint, however he wasnââ¬â¢t in the battle, as he didnââ¬â¢t see what really happened and what Haig was doing at the time, he knew and heard all the things in the history by others. So this source can be either reliable or not and it might not be so fair to Haig saying that he is a butcher. On the other hand, the second interpretation is that Haig was just doing his job as a general.Different people have their different evidences for that. ââ¬Å"The truth is that those ruddy-cheeked, bristling-mustached, heavy- jawed, frequently inarticulate generals rose to challenge after challenge, absorbed weapon after weapon into their battle-systems, and adapted themselves to constant change with astonishing success. But no one cared to make a legend out of that. â⬠This was written by a historian named John Terraine in his Study of the Somme. ââ¬Å"The Smoke and the Fireâ⬠in 1980.â⬠Å"The truth is that those ruddy-cheeked, bristling-mustached, heavy- jawed, frequently inarticulate generals rose to challenge after challengeâ⬠¦Ã¢â¬ Terraine was talking about Haig, although Haig made a lot of success during the war, no one realized it and no one cares about it to make a legend out of that. This might be supporting the point that he was just doing his job and he made a great success in the war. A Lieutenant in the Yorkshire Light Infantry who was gassed on the Somme and invalided back to Britain, writing in a letter to the Daily Express (21st December 1916, ââ¬Å"During the first half of the war, our leadership was flawless ââ¬â perfect.There was an obvious genius for pure generalship which has made Sir Douglas Haig fit to rank with any general of past or modern times. â⬠This source says that Haig was a flawless leader and a genius. The writer says that Haig led his team and Britain to victory and he is the hero of us. ââ¬Å"Which has made Sir Do uglas Haig fit to rank with any general of past or modern times? â⬠This quote tells us that Haig was one of the best Britain leaders who had quite a lot of support from the locals. This source is also reliable because it was written in December 1916, right after the war ended.The author knew what happened, although he didnââ¬â¢t really saw what happened in the trench. Here is a photograph showing crowds welcoming Sir Haig home from France. It was taken on 12th April 1919, a few months after the war ended. This gives us an idea that a lot of people welcoming him back and they didnââ¬â¢t blame him of such a massive number of death in total. They treated him as a hero of Britain who led his army to victory and saved Britain. However, this might not be such reliable as the other evidences. A photograph cannot represent the whole thing.And the photo might not be real, or it was just created by the government to raise the support to Haig. A video is more reliable then a photo because we can see the start to the end. A photo is just a capture of one single moment. There might be some other things happened in the past or later. ââ¬Å"Blaming Haig the individual for the failings of the British war effort is putting too much of a burden of guilt on one man. Haig was the product of his time, of his upbringing, education, and training and previous military experience.One argument goes that he was, ultimately, victorious and, even if he had been replaced would there have been anyone better for the job? Even on the Somme a German officer called the battlefield ââ¬Ëthe muddy grave of the German army'. â⬠This source was written by S. Warburton, in an article in the history magazine, ââ¬Å"Hindsightâ⬠, which takes a fresh look at historical issues. The magazine was published in 1998, many years after the Battle of Somme. This source suggests reasons Haig are not a butcher and we shouldnââ¬â¢t blame him too much.ââ¬Å"One argument goes that he wa s, ultimately, victorious and, even if he had been replaced would there have been anyone better for the job? â⬠He says that Haig is a great commander at the war that no other can replace him for doing a better job. He tried his best and put a lot of effort on the planning and war, so that Britain had its victory at last. This source was written in 1998. Although the author might not be seeing the war time, it is reliable and it can be trusted that Haig was doing a great job during the war.There are more and more evidences to support both sides of opinion. They have their own point of view that we canââ¬â¢t say that they are right or wrong. In my own opinion, I think that General Haig deserves the title the Butcher of the Somme. He sent 50,000 Britain to death just for one day. He didnââ¬â¢t know what a war is like. His plan failed. Although it was the expertsââ¬â¢ idea, but he should consider it was a good plan or not before actually doing it. He really believed that he won the battle, but in fact he did not.The Germans lost 680,000 men in the war, but at the same time, the deaths of Britain and French in total had the same amount of people died of the German empire. Haig refused requests for extra hospital trains to be made available before the attack beg. His outdated tactics led to the war being even more prolonged and unintentionally prevented a victory over the Germans. He had no idea what a real war is. He thought he was successful, but he was not. He wasnââ¬â¢t prepared for war, used people who were inexperienced soldiers at all.July 1 was one of the most deaths in war in the war history. He repeated the mistakes opposite of what was said organized. He is the Butcher of the Somme, I think. Overall, there is still a debate between he is a butcher or he was just doing his job. No matter which side wins, there were still a large number of people died in the Battle of the Somme. A lot of people lost their homes, and lost their family. Alth ough it was General Douglas Haig, who sent them to their death, there might be some misunderstanding in between.
Friday, January 3, 2020
Rhetorical Analysis Of I Have A Dream Speech - 1018 Words
I Have a Dream by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Cruelty, inequality, death, sorrow, misery. All words to be associated with the hardships Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. passionately describes in his I Have A Dream speech. King, an activist and civil rights leader gave an empowering speech on August 28, 1963 in Washington D.C. Millions of hearts were touched and inspired to fight for their rights(ââ¬Å"American Rhetoric: Martin Luther King Jr.â⬠). This speech is aimed towards every race in a different specific way. Every race plays a role in this revolution. Blacks: to be encouraged to stand up for fellow black people as a community. Whites: to be informed of the unnecessary inhumane treatment towards black people. Even the government: to also beâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦But this document still had its limits such as some Confederate states were excluded from it; and also, freedom was only given to the slaves based on the result of victory or loss against the Confederacy in the Ci vil War. This document also announced the acceptance of black men into the Union Army and Navy. But these black men werenââ¬â¢t just fighting for the army or navy; they were aso fighting for their freedom. Dr. King gave heartfelt pathos all throughout his speech. He forced the audience to understand the gut wrenching pain blacks went through every day through his tone and syntax. Dr. King wonderfully put together words using imagery that can make anyone empathize with whoever went through this. Dr. Kingââ¬â¢s use of pathos ignites guilt in his audience who has denied the black man of their well deserved rights. He informs the audience how they are ââ¬Å"on a lonely island of povertyâ⬠because they are the only isolated race in America who is extremely poor due to the mistreatment and discrimination against their people (ââ¬Å"American Rhetoric: Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.â⬠). Blacks feel like theyââ¬â¢re practically being exiled in their own land. Dr. King demands for equality in a way that isnââ¬â¢t violent yet touches the audiences soul. He explains how blacksââ¬â¢ ââ¬Å"sweltering summer of discontent wonââ¬â¢t pass until justice is servedââ¬Å" (ââ¬Å"A merican Rhetoric: Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.â⬠). Blacks will not rest until they are equal; they will not be happy until they have the rights that belongShow MoreRelatedRhetorical Analysis Of I Have A Dream Speech924 Words à |à 4 Pagesis his ââ¬Å"I have a dreamâ⬠speech. The reason ââ¬Å"I Have a Dreamâ⬠speech made massive impacts, is due to It struck directly into the hearts of Americans both black and white making America realize just what is really going on in this world. King informed people about racial equality and fairness. This speech hit home so well just by the way he structured his speech. You can notice that MLK structures his speech to appeal to the different types of audience, supporting it with the three rhetorical modes;Read MoreRhetorical Analysis Of I Have A Dream Speech752 Words à |à 4 Pages28, 1963 At the Lincoln Commemoration 200,000 individuals accumulated after the Walk on Washington. This is the place Dr. Martin Luther conveyed his discourse I Have a Dream to America. He talked about the treacheries of isolation and separation of African Americans that was occurring in our country. In his first explanation he stated, I am happy to join with you today in what will go down in history as the greatest demonstration for freedom in the history of our nation. In this announcement heRead MoreRhetorical Analysis Of I Have A Dream Speech1198 Words à |à 5 PagesThe, ââ¬Å"I Have a Dreamâ⬠speech given by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. is arguably the most emotionally moving and persuasive speech of all time. But, to understand the speech one must first understand the context. At this time, the slave era was far gone but, not forgotten. Negro men and women were still experiencing segregation in the 1960ââ¬â¢s. There was negro bathrooms, negro schools, negro water fountains, and even negro restaurants. Martin Luther King Jr. was an influential black man who took on theRead MoreRhetorical Analysis Of I Have A Dream Speech1058 Words à |à 5 PagesMartin Luther King Jrââ¬â¢s ââ¬Å"I have a Dreamâ⬠demonstrates the combination of the rhetorical appeals to support his argument for equality and social justice because he draws attention to the past history of Americaââ¬â¢s Injustice and oppression towards black Americans. One of the explanations that the I Have a Dream address by Martin Luther King Jr. is memorable is that it contains a superb balance of Aristotles 3 rhetorical appeals: attribute, pathos, and logos. Ethos is associate charm to authorityRead MoreRhetorical Analysis Of I Have A Dream Speech1061 Words à |à 5 Pagesleader in the Civil Rights Movement. He is widely known for his speech that took place on 28 August 1963, ââ¬Å"I Have a Dream.â⬠This speech aimed toward the entire nation. Kingââ¬â¢s main purpose in this speech was to convince his audience to demand racial justice and for them all to stand up together for their rights. In this speech, King uses emotional and logical appeal to gain the audiences support. He applied many rhetorical devices to his speech to connect with the audienceââ¬â¢s emotions, and to logicallyRead MoreRhetorical Analysis Of I Have A Dream Speech900 Words à |à 4 PagesThe speaker of this essay that I will be writing about is Martin Luther King Jr. He was born on January 15, 1929, in Atlanta, Georgia at his family house. He was an American Baptist minister and activist who became the most visible spokesperson and leader in the Civil Ri ghts Movement. Martin Luther King Jr. was a great American, worked for civil rights in the United States in the 1950s and 60s. He became so popular and well liked that he was hated just as intensely by those who disagreed with theRead MoreRhetorical Analysis Of I Have A Dream Speech865 Words à |à 4 Pagesin history. Throughout his speech, King employs many rhetorical devices that further his appeal for civil rights. King establishes his credibility as soon as he steps to the podium. King, an American civil rights activist and leader, was already known by the American people for his leadership throughout the civil rights movement. His leadership role as a civil rights activist asserts his message as credible and true to the American people. Kingââ¬â¢s ââ¬Å"I Have a Dreamâ⬠speech addresses the grueling topicRead MoreRhetorical Analysis Of I Have A Dream Speech768 Words à |à 4 PagesBrandon Lim CU English 9/29/17 P:2 Using a variety of rhetorical devices, Martin Luther King Jrââ¬â¢s purpose of his ââ¬Å"I Have A Dream Speechâ⬠takes a huge step for black americans by voicing the opinions of the people in a civil, non violent manner. Heââ¬â¢s a role model for future activists to present the point clearly without hostility or anger, but with a firm tone and many of rhetorical devices. Dr. King gives the speech to help his cause of nonviolent activism against segregation and in favor of civilRead MoreRhetorical Analysis Of I Have A Dream Speech901 Words à |à 4 PagesOne of the most acknowledged Civil Rights activists in this history of the United States, Martin Luther King, in his empowering speech, ââ¬Å"I Have a Dream,â⬠proposed his desire for racial equality across the globe in a strong-minded manner. Kingââ¬â¢s purpose for both writing and orally publishing this speech at the March on Washington affair was to motivate his audience into demanding racial justice and an amalgamated society for all people. He acquired a shameful but dedicated tone as he described theRead MoreRhetorical Analysis Of I Have A Dream Speech1002 Words à |à 5 PagesA Dream Come True Picture yourself living in a society where people are judged and hated upon because of the pigment of their skin, terrible right? Enslaved, criticized, and alienated because there were ââ¬Å"differentâ⬠from everyone else. Even when granted freedom, colored men and women were still treated as if they were peasants to America. Martin Luther King Jrââ¬â¢s speech had the power to motivate this broken society to end their racist ways. After being lied to for many of years about being ââ¬Å"freeâ⬠,
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